Monday 13 May 2024

Amalan bismillahirrohmanirrohim


1.memberi kawibawaan yang besar.

2. Menghindarkan dari sesuatu yg dibenci/yg membenci.

3. Mendatangkan hajat.

4. Memajukan usaha.

5. Aman dari gangguan syetan.

6. Menundukkan orang dzholim.

Membangkitkan rasa kecintaan.

7.aman dari gangguan syetan.

8. Mencerdaskan akal.

9. Menyembuhkan penyakit tak terlihat.

10. Untuk keselamatan dunia akhirat.

Cara pengamalan :

A. Ba da sholat 20x atau 100 x

B. Diamalkan dlm perjalanan di selingi Al Quraisy 3x

C. Kalau sudah membaca baca doa penutup berikut :

Allahumma inni as aluka

Bifadli bismillahirrohmanirrohim

Wa bihaqqi bismillahirrohmanirrohim

Wa biHaibati bismillahirrohmanirrohim

Wa bimanzilati bismillahirrohmanirrohim

Irfa qodrii,wa yassir amrii, wasyroh shodrii, yaa man Hua Kaaf,Haa,yaa,aiin,shood,haa,miim,aiin,siin,qoof,aliif,laam,miim,shood,aliif,laam,miim,roo,haa,miim.

Allahu laa ilaha ella Huwal hayyul qoyyuum,bisirril Haibati,wal qudroti, wa bissirril jabaruuti wal adzhomati. Ij alnii min ibadikal muttaqiin wa ahli thooatikal muhibbin, waf allii haadza yaa robbal aalamiin.

Wa shallallahu alaa sayyidina Muhammadiyah wa alaa aalihi wa shohbihi wa salaam



Ya Allah ya Tuhan kami, sesungguhnya hamba memohon pertolonganMu..dengan kautamaan Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. Dan dengan hak kebenaran dan dengan keampuhan bismillahirrohmanirrohim dan dengan keistimewaan bismillahirrohmanirrohim dan dengan kedudukan bismillahirrohmanirrohim, maka semoga Engkau yaa Alloh meninggikan derajatku,memudahkan segala urusanku dan melapangkan dadaku. Wahai Engkaulah zat yaa Alloh yang tidak ada Tuhan selain Engkau yang Maha Hidup, Maha Penjaga, yang mengurus segala urusan hambanya dengan rahasia yang mempunyai kewibawaan,kekuasaan,dan dengan zat yang mempunyai keagungan dan kemulyaan,jadikanlah daku hamba hamba yg taat dan taqwa kepadaMu yaa Allah dan jadikanlah Semua itu bagiku...wahai Tuhan yang menguasai seluruh alam,shalawat dan salam semoga Engkau curahkan pada Nabi Muhammad,keluarga dan para sahabatnya.Aamiin.

Friday 14 April 2023

Plants For Kitchen Garden

 Hello friends. How are you ?

As I mentioned before, gardening is one of activities that can helps us being a happy soul. But maybe you are not sure which plants to grow in your kitchen garden. Well, don't worry, I' ve been there and I will guide you what to grow.

Remember, its only wise to grow plants that you really need and wants for cooking your favorite food. Grow only veggies that you like most and of course climate and space wise.

For example, you love  South Asian food, grow the plants that are needed as ingredients in Asian food, such as kaffir lime, lemon grass, Thai basil or lemon basil, turmeric, Kaempferia galanga, great galanga or Thai galangal, pandan, red amaranth, green amaranth, pak choi ,mustard, cabbage, carrots, aloe vera ,tuberosa, ginger, onion, small onion, garlic ,celery, chilies, tomatoes, passion fruits, banana and potatoes.

If you are in India and you love Indian food, you can grow curry leaves, tulsi, onion, spring onion, garlic, Tej pate or cinnamon plant, coriander or cilantro, fennel, rose, ginger, mustard, brinjal, spinach, papaya, dill, turnips, radish, Mexican oregano, potatoes, turmeric, tomatoes and chilies. 

If you love Italian food, invest in rosemary, thymes, sage, lavender, basil, parsley, but don't grow from seeds. Since it's taking so much time to get seedling. 

For tea lovers, grow camelia sinensis, lavender, roselle, lemongrass and Tulsi.

Aside from this list, it's up to you to grow what you want to. As long as you like to use it for cooking. And you can add some others from flowers variety like chrysanthemums or jasmine.

If you have limited space, try vertical gardening or buy one big tub and sow everything inside. No need to grow all just maybe you can grow what are essential and are not available in local shops, like curry leaves, tulsi, Thai basil, galangal, turmeric, Kaempferia and lemongrass.

In my kitchen garden, I grow lime, lemon grass, Thai basil or lemon basil, turmeric, Kaempferia galanga, great galanga or Thai galangal, pandan, red amaranth, green amaranth, pak choi, mustard, aloe vera , ginger, chilies, tomatoes, passion fruits, hibiscus, curry leaves , roselle, arugula and some foliage plants.

For now, that's all I can share with you so feel free to leave comments and follow the blog and let's be happy together.

Have a nice day!

Thursday 13 April 2023

Introduction to "For Happy Soul"

 Hello to You, Bienvenue au board!

I'm Salma, Indonesian currently living in India with my family. I am a fulltime homemaker, mother of two kids.

I was born and raised in a beautiful city in West Java Indonesia called Bogor. Once studied French language and had my fair share of teaching both French and English back home. My spouse is an Indian nationality so, I end up stay in here for 15 years. 

As usual, for every homemaker a.k.a housewife, time seems flies away during daily activities thus it seems that we need more time for ourselves. Facing same chores is upsetting and sometimes makes us desperate. Thats why I brace my courage or chase my reluctances of sharing my thoughts or ideas about how to be happy. For that reason, I name this blog as For Happy Souls.

In my experience of being homemaker, we need Me time activity to balance the chores. These Me Time activities are as follows:


Gardening is the first activity that can help us to be a happy soul. Sowing the seeds into the soil and nurturing them to be mature plants somehow can make us calmer and happy. I myself do kitchen gardening in rooftop area, since that's the place where my plants can get adequate or rather full supply of sun. I grow mostly veggies, herbs, and fruits. 


Cooking is obviously a passion that I enjoy and it makes me happy. When I prepare food for our family, I always make sure that ingredients are in good condition and if it's possible, organic and I get it from my own kitchen garden.


Well, next activity that can make us happy of course is eating. Imagine having picnic on kitchen garden area with your kids and friends...Yeah..friends..real friends..which is a rare occasion in this era since everyone are engrossed in their own world. Having homemade croissants or kulchas or fried potato chips or French fries and noodles...sounds awesome, right?


As human being, I do believe that everyone whether they are religious or not, pray in their way. Praying is a best path for getting a happy soul. Pray is an integral part of my life. Since I m a Moslem too, i enjoy doing pray either in specific and designated time or place or chanting some zikr words while doing my chores.

For now, I'm cordially inviting you to join me in this journey leading to happy soul, and I want to share you some tips and tricks that I learn while staying in India and how I faces challenges of social culture shocks.

Please leave some comments and I welcome suggestions on what topic I can elaborate.

Have a nice day.

Wednesday 12 April 2023

Growing Roselle, The Super Plant


Roselle, (Hibiscus sabdariffa), is a shrub that you would love to cultivate  for its awesome usage and benefits.

It is also called rosella, Jamaican sorrel, Red Sorrel ,Rosella, or java jute, plant of the hibiscus or mallow, family (Malvaceae) and its fibre is one of the bast fibre group. 

Roselle is probably native to West Africa and includes Hibiscus sabdariffa, variety altissima, grown for fibre, and H. sabdariffa,

Variety sabdariffa, cultivated for the edible external portion of its mature flower (calyx).

Mature calyx

The plant known in the West Indies early in the 16th century, was growing in Asia by the 17th century. However, its extensive cultivation in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) began in the 1920s under a government subsidized program established to obtain fibre for sugar-sack manufacture.

Roselle is usually grown as an annual and propagated from seed. It grows best in loamy well-drained soil, mainly in tropical climates, and requires rainfall averaging about 25 cm (10 inches) each month throughout the growing season.

 The plant is very sensitive to frost. It prefers full sun as it is not shade tolerant. It does best in a well-drained, friable sandy loam soil rich in humus but is adaptable on many soils types— from sandy to clayey soils and can tolerate short periods of flooding.

so we can sow the seeds in spring and the shrub will begin to give flowers after 2 or 3 months and we can harvest them the next 2 months.

Stalks and leaves range from dark green to reddish; flowers are creamy white or pale yellow. For fibre crops, seeds are sown close together, producing plants 3 to 5 metres (10 to 16 feet) high, with little branching. The stalks, cut when buds appear, are subjected to a retting process, then stripped of bark or beaten, freeing the fibre. In some areas, retting time is reduced by treating only the bark and its adhering fibre. Plants for food crops, more widely spaced, are shorter and many-branched, and their calyxes are picked when plump and fleshy.

flower of Roselle

The fibre strands, 1 to 1.5 metres (3 to 5 feet) long, are composed of individual fibre cells. Roselle fibre is lustrous, ranges in colour from creamy to silvery white, and is moderately strong. It is used, often combined with jute, for bagging fabrics and twines. India, Java, and the Philippines are major producers.

In many tropical areas, the red, somewhat acid calyxes of H. sabdariffa, variety altissima, are used locally for beverages, sauces, jellies, preserves, and chutneys. They can also be eaten fresh and are similar in flavour to cranberries

The leaves and stalks are consumed as salads or cooked vegetables and are used to season curries. In tropical Africa the oil-containing seeds are eaten. Many parts of the plant are used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments.

Apart from their delightful taste, Roselle is a good source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Consuming 57 gram of roselle offers 123 mg of Calcium, 0.84 mg of Iron, 6.8 mg of Vitamin C, 29 mg of Magnesium, 6.45 g of Carbohydrate, 21 mg of Phosphorus, 119 mg of Potassium, 0.016 mg of Vitamin B2 and 8 µg of Vitamin A.

let's explore the awesomeness of Roselle.

1. Maintains Healthy Teeth and Gums

Calcium contents in Roselle protects teeth by keeping the jaw bone strong and sturdy throughout your life, which in turn ensures tight fitting teeth where bacteria cannot thrive. 

2. Healthy Pregnancy

Iron rich food like roselle is quite beneficial for pregnant women as they require around 27 mg daily and this is often covered in a pre-natal multi-vitamin.  Also, pregnant women should consider consuming more healthy fat and folate rich foods during pregnancy.

3. Treatment of the Common Cold

For its content of Vitamin C, Roselle helps to enhance the immune system of our body, which protects us from colds and coughs. Vitamin C itself facilitates the absorption of iron and thus strengthens the body’s resistance to infection. It also fights against viruses.

4. Prevents constipation

Magnesium present in Roselle provides quick relief from constipation, and a high dose of water-soluble magnesium supplements is known to bring sound relief for even the most severe constipated state. 

The laxative property of this vitamin helps to relaxes the intestinal muscles, thus helping to establish a smoother rhythm while passing bowels. It also has another property of attracting water, which in turn softens the stool and helps it to pass easily. Roselle consists of 29 mg of magnesium which is actually 6.90% of the daily recommended value.

5. Weakness

Phosphorous in Roselle has the ability to remove minor health problems like muscle weakness, numbness, fatigue and other similar ailments. Normal levels of phosphorous in the body (around 1200 mg for adults, according to experts and from suggestions of various health practitioners) are a great way to remain fit and active.

How to Consume

  • Fleshy flower calyces are rich in citric acid, pectin, anthocyanin pigments and vitamins and are used fresh in salad and for making roselle wine, syrup, gelatin, refreshing beverages, puddings, chutneys, pickles, cakes, herbal teas, jellies, marmalades, ices, ice cream, sherbets, butter, pies, sauces, tarts and other desserts and even used as source of pectin and used for food coloring in America, Asia and Europe.
  • Refreshing and very popular beverage can be made by boiling the calyx, sweetening it with sugar and adding ginger.
  • Calyx infusion, called ‘Sudan tea’, is taken to relieve coughs in East Africa.
  • Roselle calyces are commonly used to make a sugary herbal tea that is commonly sold on the street in Africa especially Sahel.
  • Calyces are used to make cold, sweet drinks popular in social events, often mixed with mint leaves, dissolved menthol candy, and or various fruit flavors in Mali and Senegal.
  • Leaves and calyces are acidic, eaten as cooked vegetable, good with fermented fish and pork in Assam.
  • Tender young leaves and stems are consumed raw or cooked in salads; as a potherb and as a seasoning in curries; they have acid, rhubarb– like flavor.
  • Calyx is rich in citric acid and pectin and so is beneficial for making jams, jellies, etc.
  • Using marinades of roselle calyx extract for fried beef patties was found to reduce the formation of carcinogenic heterocyclic aromatic amines.
  • Calyces are gathered for sale either fresh or dried; they are whole in preparing melon soup together with other soup ingredients and in the production of roselle jams in Nigeria.
  • Australians are fond of their roselle jams too.
  • A pleasantly flavored beverage produced as an infusion from the calyx has been widely cherished in Nigeria and is used for refreshment and entertainment in home and public gatherings and also sold as a local drink.
  • Calyx has been chewed to alleviate thirst on long desert tracks of Moslems.
  • I myself loves drinking roselle tea. it's refreshing and easy to make, just boil water and add two or four of fresh or dried calyx and add some honey for some sweetness. you ll love it too.
Knowing these great benefits of Roselle, i m doing this growing project for my kitchen garden. Won't You?


Amalan bismillahirrohmanirrohim

 Keistimewaan 1.memberi kawibawaan yang besar. 2. Menghindarkan dari sesuatu yg dibenci/yg membenci. 3. Mendatangkan hajat. 4. Memajukan usa...