Thursday 13 April 2023

Introduction to "For Happy Soul"

 Hello to You, Bienvenue au board!

I'm Salma, Indonesian currently living in India with my family. I am a fulltime homemaker, mother of two kids.

I was born and raised in a beautiful city in West Java Indonesia called Bogor. Once studied French language and had my fair share of teaching both French and English back home. My spouse is an Indian nationality so, I end up stay in here for 15 years. 

As usual, for every homemaker a.k.a housewife, time seems flies away during daily activities thus it seems that we need more time for ourselves. Facing same chores is upsetting and sometimes makes us desperate. Thats why I brace my courage or chase my reluctances of sharing my thoughts or ideas about how to be happy. For that reason, I name this blog as For Happy Souls.

In my experience of being homemaker, we need Me time activity to balance the chores. These Me Time activities are as follows:


Gardening is the first activity that can help us to be a happy soul. Sowing the seeds into the soil and nurturing them to be mature plants somehow can make us calmer and happy. I myself do kitchen gardening in rooftop area, since that's the place where my plants can get adequate or rather full supply of sun. I grow mostly veggies, herbs, and fruits. 


Cooking is obviously a passion that I enjoy and it makes me happy. When I prepare food for our family, I always make sure that ingredients are in good condition and if it's possible, organic and I get it from my own kitchen garden.


Well, next activity that can make us happy of course is eating. Imagine having picnic on kitchen garden area with your kids and friends...Yeah..friends..real friends..which is a rare occasion in this era since everyone are engrossed in their own world. Having homemade croissants or kulchas or fried potato chips or French fries and noodles...sounds awesome, right?


As human being, I do believe that everyone whether they are religious or not, pray in their way. Praying is a best path for getting a happy soul. Pray is an integral part of my life. Since I m a Moslem too, i enjoy doing pray either in specific and designated time or place or chanting some zikr words while doing my chores.

For now, I'm cordially inviting you to join me in this journey leading to happy soul, and I want to share you some tips and tricks that I learn while staying in India and how I faces challenges of social culture shocks.

Please leave some comments and I welcome suggestions on what topic I can elaborate.

Have a nice day.

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